Professor Masayoshi Esashi Microsystem Integration Center, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Biography Masayoshi Esashi (江刺 正喜 Esashi Masayoshi, born January 30, 1949 Sendai, Miyagi) is an engineer. He is a global authority of Microelectromechanical systems and serves as the professor of the Tohoku University graduate school engineering graduate course. Masayoshi Esashi received the B.E. degree in electronic engineering in 1971 and the Doctor of Engineering degree in 1976 at Tohoku University. He served as a research associate from 1976 and an associate professor from 1981 at the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tohoku University. Since 1990 he has been a professor in The World Premier International Research Center Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR). He is now professor and director of the Micro System Integration Center (μSIC), concurrently in WPI-AIMR and in Center of Innovation (COI) (research fellow) in Tohoku University. He was a director of the Venture Business Laboratory in Tohoku University (1995~1998), a President of Sensor-Micromachine Society in Institute of Electrical Engineers in Japan (2002-2003), a President of Japan Society of Next Generation Sensor Technology (2010~2015) and a Chairman of MEMS Park Consortium in Sendai (2004~). He served as a general co-chairman of the 4th IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Workshop in 1991 held in Nara, Japan, as a general chairman of the 10th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (Transducers 99) in 1999 held in Sendai, Japan and also as the Technical Program Chairman of IEEE Sensors 2006 held in Daegu, Korea.
Authored books : "Basics of semiconductor integrated circuit design" (Japanese) (1981) Baihukan, "Electronic and information circuits" (Japanese) (1989) Shokodo, "Micromachining and micromechatronics" (Japanese) (1992) Baihukan, “Introduction to MEMS” (Japanese) (2011) Morikita Shuppan etc. Awards : SSDM Award (2001), Purple ribbon award (2006), IEEE Andrew S.Grove Award (2015) IEEE Andrew Jun-ichi Nishizawa Award (2016) etc.
Speech overview Microsystems or MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems) are fabricated based on semiconductor technology and applied as value added components for advanced systems. We have activities on MEMS development and commercialization since 45 years ago. MEMS transferred on CMOS LSI (heterogeneous integration) have been developed for future advanced systems as multi-band wireless systems, tactile sensor network for safe nursing robot, massive parallel electron beam lithography system and others. Cost effective development is required for microsystems because they are versatile and not standardized. A hands-on access fabrication facility in Tohoku University is reuse of a production line for power transistor. Companies can easily access and utilize for their prototyping or small-volume production. It is equipped with 4 and 6 inch facilities. They can access a lot of technology and know-how accumulated and can be assisted by skilled engineers. More than 180 companies are using this facility.
"Printing Cells and Medical Devices"
Professor Kenneth Dalgarno Sir James Woodeson Professor of Manufacturing Engineering
Deputy Director of the Arthritis Research UK Tissue Engineering Centre ().
Deputy Director of the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacture in Medical Devices ().
Co-ordinator of the FP7 RESTORATION project ().
The Newcastle University lead investigator for the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Additive Manufacture and 3D Printing ().
For the past decade he has been researching in the area of additive manufacture, with applications in rapid prototyping and manufacturing; polymer engineering; and with an in creasing emphasis on applications in biomedical engineering, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine, with work supported by the EPSRC, the European Commission, Arthritis Research UK, the Carbon Trust, and industry.
Speech overview 3D Printing is a catch-all phrase that covers a range of new manufacturing processes, all of which deposit materials layer by layer. 3D printing can be well suited to making one-off and customised components, and so increasingly been being adopted to make personalised medical components. The presentation will give an overview of how 3D printing techniques are being used to create new bioactive medical devices, and on how 3D bioprinting might be used in the future to create high throughput cell assays, and micro-tissues for drug screening and patient stratification.